Monday, February 20, 2012

The ugly: Voodoo: Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, earthquake in Haiti

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The fact is that more than half of Haiti’s 9 million inhabitants practice Voodoo, Haiti’s dominant religion, and that some of the grossest forms of immorality are rampant. Significantly, much of Haiti’s dark Voodoo previously migrated to New Orleans--a city mostly destroyed by Hurricane Katrina….Evidence indicates that Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, fits the category of a city ‘full of transgression, and sinful in the extreme.’ On January 12, at 4:53 pm, it was virtually ‘destroyed’ by an earthquake. On the morning of August 29, 2005, New Orleans experienced its own disaster from the sky.

The God who healed lepers, fed the hungry 5,000, chose a group of lowly fishermen to be his disciples and who ate with prostitutes and other “low-life” of society would never look down on the poverty stricken people of Haiti and say, “Look at all that voodoo going on down there…I’m sending a 7.0 their way.” God did not send the earthquake in Haiti; he is rather suffering with the people in Haiti who have fallen victim to the rule of Satan, the “prince of this world.” Our mission in Haiti is to do what we can to help and to heal, and in that way we might just reveal that the God we serve is a Healer, not a destroyer.

When Haiti fought the fight for independence from France, Haitian people submitted themselves to and made a blood pact with Satan. Their prayers and worship were and still are directed to (demonic) spirits called Loa. See first blog. Please understand, God cannot contradict His own Word. Blessings from God cannot flow over the land of Haiti. I believe Haiti is the poorest nation on this earth. Please consider, do you know of any other country when seeking independence where the people literally made a blood covenant with Satan in order to achieve their so-called "independence?"


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