Thursday, October 10, 2013

The bad: Suspicious: Purple/Dark tomato debuts as ‘Indigo Rose’

Scientists playing with nature?

According to the scientists this new variety has not been the product of genetic manipulations.
They say that is just the result of mixing several varieties of the product, one of them taken from our Galapagos Islands.


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The evil: shocking. muslims joking about terrorist attacks, in our faces...

This film has been broadcasted in some TV stations in England. Muslims joking about terrorist attacks, in our faces...
They have no respect for the lives of civilian targets, lost in the terrorist attacks in London.

Evil muslim extremists.

The bad: Philips Sonicare: subliminal messages encouraging homosexuality

On Wed Oct 2. 2013 Philips Sonicare showed an ad with subliminal messages encouraging homosexuality in some newspaper in England.

The ad used the following image:

This is no surprise, as in the annual report for 2012, Philips mentions: "As part of our efforts to reach out to under-represented groups within Philips, we have set up popular networks for female employees and for gay and lesbian employees."

For sure these employees are doing everything, so that they promote more and more homosexuality in the new ads from Philips.

Crazy and evil!