BBC + BPAS (British Pregnancy [ 'P' should be for Pro-abortion ] Advisory Service ) + MP Diana Johnson : pro-abortion biased interviews
BBC News: 2017-03-11: legalisation of abortions in the UK.
Content in this page:
Part1: BPAS representative Clare Murphy ignores question about the 'ending of life' in abortions.
Part2: BBC misleads the public, mentioning that the 'Royal College of Midwives is backing the legalisation of abortions'.
Part3: Labour MP Diana Johnson says that the UK is one of the most punitive regimes in Europe, for keeping in place 1861 laws to protect the lives of pre-born babies. (a lie).
Part4: Labour MP Diana Johnson suggests that countries should follow the steps of Australia and make abortion legal, because she thinks that people like her can decide what "should happen in our society".
PART 1: at 01min:33sec of the main video
BPAS representative Clare Murphy ignores question about the 'ending of life' in abortions.
- she avoids answering question around the fact that an abortion involves 'ending the life of a human being'.
- she mentions that in the XXI century they trust that women can make the rights decisions for their lives. But she doesn't mention that BPAS mainly provides women with information about how to opt in for an abortion. Also most of their material intentionally don't mention information about the pre-born baby (human being) that is killed during the abortion, they mainly refer to the baby as the 'removal of the pregnancy'. Removing all humanity from the pre-born baby, and hiding the fact that a human being is killed during the abortion.
Our question is: How can we trust that women are making the right decisions based on the biased information that they receive from BPAS and similar organisations around the world, which de-humanise the pre-born baby, hide the risks to the life of the mother and hide the risks for future pregnancies of the woman?
PART 2: at 02min:36sec of the main video
BBC misleads the public, mentioning that the 'Royal College of Midwives is backing the legalisation of abortions'
BBC misleads the public, mentioning that the 'Royal College of Midwives is backing legalisation of abortions'.
The fact is: that just a few people inside of the 'Royal College of Midwives' - who DO NOT represent the voice of the majority of members - abusing of their positions in the organisation are backing the legalisation of abortions.
One of the main persons involved in these wrong doings is 'Cathy Warwick', Chief Executive of Royal College of Midwives, and at the same time Chair of BPAS (British Pregnancy [ or 'P' should be for Pro-abortion ] Advisory Service).
This is morally wrong, and there is a clear conflict of interest.
PART 3: at 06min:15sec of the main video
Labour MP Diana Johnson says that the UK is one of the most punitive regimes in Europe, for keeping in place 1861 laws to protect the lives of pre-born babies (a lie).
FYI: Ms. Diana Johnson, the year when a law was implemented should NOT matter, as long as that law is there to protect Human life.
According to your mentality: should we start removing laws that prevent things like the 'holocaust' from happening again, maybe because there may be laws related to that topic that are becoming a bit too old?
The fact is: that NO WOMAN in your country has gone to prison for life, for having an abortion. From our research, there seem to be only TWO KNOWN CASES of women that received just a couple of years of sentence, but this has been because they carried out abortions on babies that were in the 32 and 39 week of the pregnancy, which means that they were almost fully developed babies, that could have perfectly lived outside of the womb of the mother.
So, should the law allow and make legal the killing of these babies?.
Should the law allow the killing of babies that are 32 or 39 weeks old, in the womb of their mothers? and what about pre-mature or pre-born babies in the same age?
In your country, it seems that animals are better protected than humans. In your country, people can be jailed for destroying eggs of wild birds, for disturbing them, or even for destroying their nests.
A report of the European Parliament (section 2.1.2) on crime against Wildlife in the UK, shows these figures:
In 2005, an amendment to the domestic regulation enforcing the CITES convention in the UK increased the maximum prison sentence for wildlife crimes from 2 years to 5 years. The level of fines is unlimited. According to the 2013/2014 CITES biennial report, 18 criminal prosecution cases took place. These included the following cases which resulted in the indicated sanctions:
- six months imprisonment for trying to smuggle over 750 kg of rare and endangered corals and clams from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to the UK;
- fine of GBP 555 for three occasions of fraudulently evading a restriction on the export of ivory;
- one year of imprisonment for smuggling San Salvador rock iguanas to the UK.
The number of prosecutions varied in previous years. There were 4 prosecutions between 2007 and 2008, 21 prosecutions between 2009 and 2010 and 4 prosecutions between 2011 and 2012. Significant cases included the following which resulted in the indicated sanctions:
- a GBP 500 fine for an attempt to sell two ring tailed lemurs on the internet;
- nine months sentence suspended for two years and GBP 3,607 cost to be paid for the illegal importation of bird eggs from the US and Australia and the illegal sale of the eggs;
- twelve months of imprisonment for the attempted smuggling of rhino horns from the UK to China;
- Fine of GBP 600 for the purchase and sale of barn owls;
- Two years suspended sentence and GBP 1,480 in cost recovery for selling elephant ivory, hippo ivory and sperm whale teeth.
This means that in your country the law is more punitive with people that destroy wildlife, than with people that end the life of human beings (pre-born children).
We agree on protecting wildlife, this is OK. But it is not right that HUMAN BEINGS receive less protection than animals and wildlife.
In 2006 you supported a ban on "docking of dogs' tails".
You mentioned that: "Having received representations from many different groups and individuals on this issue, I am satisfied that tail docking is cruel, inflicts pain and is largely unnecessary"
On that year; about the cruelty on animals you also mentioned: "Some of the stories we hear too frequently of neglect and outright cruelty cause great public anger and there must be stronger protection for animals and heavier punishment for those guilty of mistreatment".
Don't you think that pre-born babies also fill pain when they are killed during an abortion?
If you think that the docking of dogs' tails is cruel, don't you think that the dismemberment and disembowelment of pre-born babies in the womb of their mothers is also cruel?
On top of that:
Because of the fact that 'ONE African elephant is killed every 15 minutes'; currently, your Labour Party seems to be promoting a ban on the traffic of "ivory" and actively promoting the protection of elephants and rhino.
Did you know that in your own country, an average of 'SIX babies are killed(abortions) every 15 minutes"?
MP backs tail docking ban
Hull MP backs crackdown on animal cruelty
PART 4: at 07min:36sec of the main video
Labour MP Diana Johnson suggests that countries should follow the steps of Australia and make abortion legal, because she thinks that people like her can decide what "should happen in our society".
It seems that you ignore the atrocities that are happening in countries like Australia, as a consequence of opening more doors to abortion and legalising it.
In Australia the number of babies left to die after surviving late-term abortions has increased.
The number of babies surviving late-term abortions have increased in Queensland, figures released by Health Minister Cameron Dick have shown.
Calendar year | Terminations with live birth outcome |
2005 | 8 |
2006 | 16 |
2007 | 20 |
2008 | 15 |
2009 | 13 |
2010 | 17 |
2011 | 20 |
2012 | 20 |
2013 | 23 |
2014 | 25 |
2015 | 27 |
Total | 204 |
The public should not forget the many controversies that you caused in your country around the misuse of public money (expenses).
2009: MPs' expenses: Diana Johnson claims £987 for an architect and repays it two years later,
2010: Questions grow over Labour MP Diana Johnson's expenses
Based in all this information, we think that it is NOT SAFE that people and politicians like you should dictate and decide what "should happen (and what should be legal) in our societies". After all, British politicians with a similar mentality, moral and ethics like yours kept 'slavery' legal for so many years.
From across the Atlantic.
Nice regards.
Free Ecuador.
Related YouTube videos:
Main Video: 8min8sec Main Video
BBC + BPAS (British Pregnancy [ 'P' should be for Pro-abortion ] Advisory Service ) + Mp Diana Johnson pro-abortion biased interviews
Extracts from the main video:
Part1: 33 seconds (extract from main video)
BPAS representative Clare Murphy ignores question about the 'ending of life' in abortions.
Part2: 15 seconds (extract from main video)
BBC misleads the public, mentioning that the 'Royal College of Midwives is backing the legalisation of abortions'.
Part3: 8 seconds (extract from main video)
Labour MP Diana Johnson says that the UK is one of the most punitive regimes in Europe, for keeping in place 1861 laws to protect the lives of pre-born babies. (a lie).
Part4: 25 seconds (extract from main video)
Labour MP Diana Johnson suggests that countries should follow the steps of Australia and make abortion legal, because she thinks that people like her can decide what "should happen in our society".
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